Saturday, 26 May 2012

Cheap Japanese car parts, discount prices!!

Hi All,

Are you looking for a small part for your Japanese car, do you feel your local dealer is charging way to much for a small part?

Well a friend in New Zealand did, he wanted a TPS sensor for his Nissan. He was quoted $285.00NZD for the part. I located the part he wanted in Japan, had it shipped to the dealer closest to me, got on my bike and went and picked it up, packed it and sent it to New Zealand all for half the price of what it would of cost him in New Zealand.

So if you can afford to wait a couple weeks to get a part and save yourself a lot of money drop me a line and see if I can help.

I currently know where the local Nissan, Toyota and Honda dealerships are, I will be on the look out for Mitsubishi and Mazda dealers are.

See You

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